Hello Darkness, My Old Friend…

I am becoming a consistent writer.

There. I put that positive statement out into the universe, so it must come to pass eventually… right? I haven’t  posted anything in quite a while due to the flooding of my apartment resulting in a dead laptop. (May he rest in peace.) I am typing this on my husbands laptop that I was able to snag some time with. Bloggers, please tell me I’m not the only one who gets to the computer and thinks, Man. I’m boring. I have nothing to write about except how my fish’s eye is cloudy , and though he’s on meds he keeps running into the tank wall ’cause he can’t see. And though I really feel bad for him….it is kind of a little funny…Then I contemplate what a terrible person I am, and search for a new subject, Well, this is mainly a health and fitness blog now, so I could talk about my new Orange Julius protein shake I concocted…Naaaa…. Today it’s all about the MUSIC.

That’s right folks, welcome to the newest segment of Incense and Sounds:

Sonance Moments

“Sonance” as in “a sound”. Pretty catchy eh? It is here that I shall dissect gorgeous (and not-so-gorgeous) sounds and give you my thoughts on such. We’ll talk about artists, lyrics, redeeming qualities, and why I think a song could perhaps be improved (or just why I flat out hate it haha).  So, without further adieu, I give you:

Simon & Garfunkel- Sound of Silence

Ahhh, this should be on the favorites list of every free-spirit out there. This beautiful classic was written in 1964 by Paul Simon in response to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The raw beauty of these two gentlemen never gets old. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel are excellent storytellers, and in this tribute, they do not disappoint. Every time I hear this song I cannot help but get quiet and simply listen. I didn’t always grow up appreciating folk music, but as time went on, I couldn’t help but fall in love with modern Rock & Roll’s roots. The acoustic guitar gives such a raw, earthy quality to this song, mixed with Paul’s raspy, vulnerable voice and Arts incredible harmonizing, it’s no wonder this song helped propel them to international stardom.

I leave you, dear ones, with this quote by Simon after it was mentioned he had some difficulty writing the lyrics, “The main thing about playing the guitar, though, was that I was able to sit by myself and play and dream. And I was always happy doing that. I used to go off in the bathroom, because the bathroom had tiles, so it was a slight echo chamber. I’d turn on the faucet so that water would run — I like that sound, it’s very soothing to me — and I’d play. In the dark. ‘Hello darkness, my old friend / I’ve come to talk with you again’.”